SMS & Email Alerts

Replace ToDo Lists and Calendars with Automation

Effective communication can help foster a good working relationship with your clients. In reality, many customers require a little extra nudge. Invoices sent with plenty of reminders are ideal for prompt payment from customers.

It is always said Accountants should have Communication, Analytical and Critical Thinking Skills to help the management with the answers they are looking for to achieve their goals. The scope of work of an Accountant cannot be jotted down in a to-do-list to be accomplished as his tasks are recurring every month. To err is human. Being late on payment follow-up, delay in generating Invoices and issuing them, creating and issuing purchase orders, monitoring of ROL’s (Min-stock / Re-order levels) are some of the areas where accountants find it difficult to keep track daily, affecting business cash-flow due to fluctuating receivables and payables follow up.

If you were to compute an accountant’s hourly value for his work in your organization, consider the cost of time he spends on the menial but essential task of sending emails, reminders, and follow up. And if you were to provide him with a low-skill assistant, you would still have to incur a monthly overhead. Now consider this – If these tasks were automated, your accountant could focus more on a productive function without having to monitor his assistant or compute his overhead cost to the company.

With our ground-breaking new-age accounting software, Accounts ERP, you can now send an automated SMS and Email alerts to your Customers, Vendors, Agents, and staff, and remain updated through MIS alerts. Our software also helps to reduce cost as it is highly scalable and efficient. There is no need for an additional workforce for the follow-up of payments, and it can be automated by the configuration of SMS/Email Alerts.

Well, we also took care of maintaining your relationships with your stakeholders. Yes, your Accounts ERP accounting software can also send promotional offers, birthday/anniversary wishes, and festive greetings. It is simple. Your database is already stored with all its details. A single message can be sent to your entire database in a few clicks with Bulk messaging tools integrated with the software itself. Now no more spending on buying SMS packages for wishing, product announcements or updates. Accounts ERP has it all.

With Transactions Alerts feature in Accounts ERP business software, you can always stay updated on which invoices are created, how many receipts are entered. The system, when updated, notifies the person liable immediately through transaction alerts. MIS Alerts helps the business owners know about the current situation of the organization without pulling out the financial reports. The sales and purchases for the day are notified through daily alerts. The dependency factor also gets eliminated to a large extent.

Configuration of MIS for SMS/Email Alerts in Accounts ERP:

  1. Receivable Management: With the help of MIS, generate outstanding statements and ABC Analysis. Track bill-wise amount receivables and send automatic alerts to customers before due-date of bills and bills overdue.
  2. Sales & Billing Management: Create Invoices quickly and effortlessly. No need to set reminders on calendars. Accounts ERP provides automatic alerts for creating an invoice if it is a recurring transaction.
  3. Inventory Management: Track pending orders and unbilled challans and get SMS/Email-Alerts after configuring it with MIS for stocks below reorder-level and other transactions related to inventory.


Our client, who is into manufacturing, was looking for a software that could calculate the cost of his multiple components to be applied to the pricing of the finished goods. These components may have numerous vendors, who may not have the required quantity at one time or another thereby creating a need for switching vendors. Then comes the daily updates of stock and inventory, which was essential for carrying out the manufacturing activities. After implementing our inventory based accounting software Accounts ERP, our client can smoothly manage his Inventory levels even if he is not physically present at the factory. Accounts ERP provides detailed Purchase Order Summary across orders and indents, from where he can make decisions regarding the purchases to be made and all this through SMS/Email Alerts. If the stock level reaches below the Reorder Stocks level, he is instantly notified about it through alerts. There is no need for a physical count of inventory. Fulfillment of PO orders and generating Invoices for the same can happen in the same flow. There is also task cut-out for Accountants as the Software has already extracted the necessary information from the Purchase Orders, thus creating automated invoices.

Our manufacturing clients swear by the use of Accounts ERP, simplifying their inventory management and stock orders, all based on SMS/Email alerts.

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